Welcome to The Holy Lamb

The Word of The Lamb is the foundation of our lives, and with this in mind we have situated our church on the bedrock of the Canadian shield, one of the oldest rock formations in the world. It anchors us both physically and spiritually in this modern world of self indulgence.

Located between Burleigh Falls and Apsley, near the Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park, our scenery inspires deep thoughts, meditation and spiritual growth. Our rural location makes us a destination, but like the Word of The Lamb, well worth the journey!

  • Open every day of the week
  • No reservation needed
  • Salvation optional
0 Members
0 Children saved
Charitable donations
0 Orphanages build

Church of the Holy Lamb

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with The Lamb, and the Word was God.

That same Word lives on in all of us even today! We are all living, breathing, loving examples of God’s love for this world! Halleluiah! Often, new churches are founded out of anger, disruption, and disagreement. The Church of the Holy Lamb has been born out of love! Love for everyone, love for our world and of course Love of the Holy Trinity! We believe in the teachings of Christ, to “love one another”. Unlike other churches, we don’t just preach it, we live it! Our mission is to spread the Word of God through our actions and deeds. Christ himself set an example of how to live, we strive to follow in His steps! By reading this far you are probably asking yourself “Do I have what it takes to take up the challenge of living a life following The Lamb’s righteous path?” YES! All of us reach crossroads and now that you are here, let us help you by walking with you on your journey! We don’t tell you the route. We don’t give you a map and let you walk away. Instead, the Church of the Holy Lamb walks with you every step of the way! That is what sets us apart from other churches, we walk the walk!

That is why we were awarded the most forward- thinking church award for the last 7 years from Christian Forecast Analytics. Your journey begins with us today!

Daily Prayers

A prayer a day keeps Satan away.

Continous Teaching

To stop learning is to stop growing.


THE best sermons in the county!!


Get hitched in our Chapel or Rotisserie room

Community Helpers

We are committed to helping our community

Divine Inspiration

Inspirational video's and sermons

Be inspired by these messages of hope, love and dedication to the Holy Lamb


Oslo Gospel Choir


Holy is the Lamb


Rick Astley


Never give up!


Sima Kuzina


Holy Sustenance


Shia LaBeouf



rev. Rowan Atkinson



Upcoming Events

3:00pm - 5:00pm

Margarita Session

by pastor: Phill McCavity

Bible and Booze. Alcohol and Adoration. Hitting the Sauce and venerating the Boss. Getting a buzz and praising Jesus. Inebriation and Inspiration

Talk about your struggles and your faith. Talk about your Devotion. Study the Scriptures of the Holy Lamb. All while slamming down a complimentary cocktail!

7:30pm - 10:30pm

Outreach Committee

by pastor: Francis Crozier

Tasked with assisting people across the world, focusing on orphans/children issues, as well as giving money to people to start their own businesses. These gifts are given with the spirit of "paying it forward" knowing the recipients will in turn repay the kindness to others. Part of our mission statement of teaching a man to fish so he is fed for life.

7:30pm - 10:00pm

Silver Foxes

by pastor: Larissa Secord

Our most mobile senior ladies who still like to Line Dance, will dance up a storm Thurday evenings. Cheer them on as they show us their moves! Don't forget the rec-centre is wheelchair and walker accessible to our members, both dancers and audience alike.
Medical assistance is available on site, as is a state-of-the art defibrilator and crash cart.

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Protein and Prayer

by pastor: Larissa Secord

Divine Rotissery with the Holy Lamb and Sacred Spices. Usher in the weekend with a succculent roast and the Holy Ghost. Discuss the Holiness of the Lamb, join the group prayer or confess your dirty filthy sins. A great time and Absolution are guaranteed.

You'll want to go for seconds!

8:30pm - 10:30pm

Movie Night

by pastor: Francis Crozier

For for those who enjoy a wholesome "date night", grab your spouse or significant other, and join us for Movie Night! No Hollywood nudity or swearing here, our movies are amateur videos shot by our congregation.
Who can forget last year's most popular flick "Grandma Butler & the pizza delivery guy" (Grandma Butler sure won't)

11:30am - 1:00pm

Disciple club

by pastor: dr. Sandford Pefferlaw

The Disciple Club meets Sunday after morning service. Our disciples are young members who wish to assist us in spreading the good Word of the Holy Lamb. The Disciples learn and talk about the Scripture of the Lamb and our work in spreading it's Love in a playfull manner. Many of our little Disciples have gone on to become respected members of our Church.


We welcome your donations

Spreading the Love of the Lamb, we endeavour to offer assistance and aid to all who need it. These are a few of the charities our Outreach Committee is involved in. Please contact pastor Francis Crozier if you have any questions.

Schoolproject, Bhutan


Building a small school with gym facilities in Thimphy, Bhutan.

Donate Now!

Get mr. Crozier to Venice


We need to get our Outreach Pastor on a plane to Venice, Italy. Just cuz he deserves it!

Donate Now!

Orphanage Bamako, Mali


A small orphanage for 40 children in the suburbs of Bamako.

Donate Now!

Food for the Children


Thousands of children have never tasted the Holy Lamb. Shawarma for everyone!

Donate Now!

Donations so far $

With your help, we have been able to disperse over $9,000,000.00 in chartiable aid. To continue the Good Work, we humbly accept any donation. If you are considering to include us in your will, please talk to dr. Pefferlaw. He will be able to assist you in preventing the sharks of the Canada Revenue Service to sink their claws in our your funds.

Donate now!

Jesus Christ Said:

" For God so loved the lamb, that he giveth the Holy Shawarma Spices to his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting Rotisserie meats"

Bible: John 3:16 KJV


Pastors of the Holy Lamb

The shepherds of the flock of the Holy Lamb

Francis Crozier

Lead Pastor
Chairman Outreach Committee
As a youth, Francis was caught stealing from a pharmacy. Caught by the owner, he was not prosecuted, but instead, the owner offered kindness and mentoring to a troubled youth. Francis became a pharmacist and eventually bought the store of his mentor when he retired. Francis served his community well, offering up advice and assistance to those in need. No child, regardless of their family's financial situation, ever went without medicine. Francis lived his Christian values every day. After selling his business and retiring, Francis was led the Holy Spirit to become a pastor in the church he loved so much. Together, he and his wife Gayle are the spiritual leaders of our community!

dr. Sandford Pefferlaw

Lead Pastor
Shawarma Specialist

A theological student of renown, Dr Pefferlaw has over 10 published works dealing with living a Christian life in a modern, secular world. Often described as our "second pastor", the truth is Dr Pefferlaw is second to none in his zeal and love of Christ. A deep thinker, he was a wonderful athlete in his youth, playing hockey, baseball and football. At one point in his youth, he was offered a minor league baseball contract as a pitcher, due to his "devilishly good" curveball. He chose instead to follow God. Dr Pefferlaw was married to Elizabeth for 25 yrs before cancer took her from him. Elizabeth was his rock. Instead of slipping into depression, Dr Pefferlaw renewed his faith and serves God each and every day.

Phill McCavity


Phill is basically an idiot, but we keep him around because he is the only one who owns a car. After flunking seminary school, Phill adopted a vagrant train hopping lifestyle. At the age of 25, during a train hop between Saskatoon and Edmonton, he met his life parner Dirk with whom he has been in a committed relationship ever since. Growing weary of the brutal vagrant lifestyle, the couple settled down in Burleigh Falls and joined our Congregation, where Phill started as an Altar Boy. He has since worked his way up to being part-time layman Pastor, leading our Tuesday-afternoon frozen Margarita sessions.

Larissa Secord

Assistant Pastor
Lead Rôtisseur

Larissa is a woman of dynamic energy and a passion for serving her God and her church. She is a long time preacher, and has spent many years traveling the globe, sharing the Word of God. Her passion is to assist orphaned children and lead them to Christ. "If I can make just one child happy, then my work is a success" she often says. Her travels have taken her to remote Pacific islands, South America, and west Africa. Married to her husband "Duke" for over 30 yrs, she has two grown children and dreams of grandchildren "someday".